It’s time for business and its HR professionals to get their recruiting “SHIFT” together. In his newest book Recruiting in the Age of Googlization HR Futurist and employee selection expert Ira S Wolfe describes how the automation of jobs and work makes it seem like science fiction is taking over the workplace and is consequently disrupting traditional talent acquisition practices.
Ira S Wolfe’s new book Recruiting in the Age of Googlization acknowledges the shortage of skilled workers is very real. But he places some of the blame for under-performing talent acquisition squarely on the shoulders of management. He cites the lack of evidence-based recruitment and employee selection, the unfair bashing of Millennials, and a job application process that is completely out of touch with today’s labor and jobs marketplace.
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In Recruiting in the Age of Googlization, ($19.95, Motivational Press, December 2017) Wolfe first paints an authentic yet terrifying picture of how technology and demographics is disrupting jobs and work as we know it … and as a result is transforming how organizations will attract, acquire, and retain talent. He writes, “it’s just like science fiction is jumping off the pages of reality.” Wolfe deftly describes how automation and disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing will revolutionize the way we work, live, and play. It is within this new world that Wolfe dissects the traditional recruitment pipeline and offers a step-by-step guide to improve talent acquisition and job search.
Throughout the book Wolfe offers compelling examples and key point summaries. He suggests three trends that he believes will blindside many businesses and workers within the next five years:
- Jobs will be automated faster than anticipated.
- Automation will not be limited to low-skill jobs.
- The impact from automation will disrupt work, careers, and jobs greater than expected.
Consequently, Wolfe forecasts massive disruption in the ways businesses acquire top talent and workers seek jobs. To help anticipate and navigate the disruption, Wolfe offers a library of provocative strategic questions each organization or individual must be asking.
“When speaking and working with clients, I’m continuously shocked by how many organizations perpetuate common recruiting blunders,” says Wolfe. “The world of work is changing exponentially faster than most people realize and that in turn will intensify and accelerate the competition for skilled workers.”
Recruiting in the Age of Googlization; When the Shift Hits Your Plan ($19.95, 250 pages, paperback, ISBN:978-1-62865-464-6) is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at many independent and online booksellers or by calling 800-803-4303.
Wolfe is available for media interviews and speaking by calling 484-373-4300 or visiting his company website at
Ira S Wolfe has more than 20 years’ experience helping organizations recruit faster and hire smarter. He has passionately covered shifting job and labor markets since the late 1990s, a period he called The Perfect Labor Storm, through what he now describes as the Age of Googlization. He’s a popular expert for journalists and podcasters, an avid blogger, TEDx speaker, and president of Success Performance Solutions (Lehigh Valley, PA).