social media
Is The Pre-Employment Assessment Skating on Thin Ice?
What’s new in pre-employment assessment? The answer may surprise you. The talent assessment industry is thriving with growth expected to double by 2020. The value of pre-employment…
Is it okay to use Facebook to screen applicants?
Facebook is back in the news. And guess what? The stories have to do with privacy. (So what else is new?) But this time the shoe is on the other…
Why Facebook Pages Don’t Work for Recruiting
“What do you think about using Facebook for recruiting?” is a question I now hear several times a day. The individual asking me the question is hoping that I…
Recommended Reading List – Assessments, Helicopter Parents, Twitter & More
Expanding the Use of Assessments Best-in-class organizations are using assessments not only to understand the skills and traits employees have today, but also their capacity to grow. Read…
3 Lessons Every Business Can Learn From Kodak’s Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy of former photo giant Kodak is loaded with lessons that business owners can learn. The fact that Kodak invented the digital camera over 35 years ago, a decade…
Where the Workplace Ends and Social Media Begins
With the ever-growing popularity of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, companies have been forced to struggle with a difficult issue: where to draw the line between…
5 Things Employers Can Do To Simplify (and Improve) Recruiting
With the national unemployment rate hovering around 9 percent, so many people are looking for work that a resu-mess has been created that floods inboxes and cripples applicant processing…
New Video: How To Use Social Media for Job Search and Recruitment
For the second straight year, I had the privilege and pleasure of being a panelist at the Harrisburg University Social Media Summit (September 14, 2011). Like last year, the event…
8 Reasons Why Recruitment of Employees Needs to Change
Recruitment is undergoing a change. You can thank technology for part of the change. But much of the credit must be given to social media. The change isn’t just…
Social Media Gives Customers Power To Make or Break. R U Listening?
If you are in business and you have customers, you better be listening all the time and ready to respond. Social media gives customers the power to make or break…