
10 Jobs On Life Support

A recession, outsourcing, and foreign competition aren’t the only reasons we’re losing jobs…

Job Cutting, Slow Hiring – Is It A Solution or An Excuse?

Aggressively cutting workers, which is one of a company’s largest expenses, allows a business to return very quickly to profitability. But does it makes sense in the long run…

Debate Rages On Extending Unemployment Benefits

Millions of Americans who can’t find work are holding their breaths, waiting to see if Congress will extend their unemployment benefits or cut them loose…

White-Collar Jobs: Latest Victims of Recession and Technology

Blue-collar workers aren’t the only casualties of technology and a recession. Many professional jobs in finance, media, and even law and accounting will never be the same…

Did the recession gives employers an excuse for shedding under-skilled workers?

It’s like the recession justified a business cleansing — wholesale layoffs, plant closings and outsourcing for the sake of avoiding bankruptcy or closing a business entirely…

Hired! in turbulent times

Job seekers in various industries, regions and levels have found employment despite the recession and the worst job market in 25 years…

Facing retirement: ’70 is the new 65′ – South Florida

In some industries, such as nursing, the recession is almost a silver lining in the black cloud – it’s keeping some older workers on the job beyond the time they…

Recession Emphasizes Shift in Men to Women as Breadwinners

The following was published on the Public News Service website this morning.  An audio of the interview is available on the website or by downloading here. LANCASTER, Pa. – In…

Dads working longer hours and second jobs

One-quarter of employed dads are working longer hours and second jobs to keep up with current economic pressures, according to Adecco Group North America’s latest American Workplace Insights…

A cold war for talent?

If you're thinking that the current recession has tempered the urgency to recruit and retain employees, think again. Using 'but where else do they have to go…