
Is it okay to use Facebook to screen applicants?

Facebook is back in the news. And guess what? The stories have to do with privacy. (So what else is new?) But this time the shoe is on the other…

Why Facebook Pages Don’t Work for Recruiting

“What do you think about using Facebook for recruiting?” is a question I now hear several times a day. The individual asking me the question is hoping that I…

5 Things Employers Can Do To Simplify (and Improve) Recruiting

With the national unemployment rate hovering around 9 percent, so many people are looking for work that a resu-mess has been created that floods inboxes and cripples applicant processing…

NLRB: Don’t Go Overboard On Social Media Policy

Establishing a policy about the use of social media in the workplace, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ is a complicated task for any employer…

What’s Next for Baby Boomers vs. Millennials?

There appears to be a lot of white elephants in the room these days, none bigger than a generation gap between Baby Boomers and Millennials…

Older Adults Join Facebook Frenzy

The hottest growth segment in online social networking sites is guys like Richard and Ray and their lady friends. No, Richard and Ray aren’t two college kids enjoying the…

Wor-Wic Adds Social Media, Facebook, and Managing Generations to Fall Schedule | Geeks, Geezers, and Googlization

If you live on the lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, you’ll want to register today for these new courses just added to the fall schedule at Wor-Wic Community…

Huh? Teenager says Twitter is for old people.

I get two comments from clients or seminar attendees when I mention Twitter:  “I don’t get it!” and “It seems like a site for…

Social Networking: Office communication ain’t what it used to be

While leading a workshop on business applications for social media recently, one overwhelmed business owner sheepishly pleaded for a return to the good old days, when life was simpler -like…

Hired! in turbulent times

Job seekers in various industries, regions and levels have found employment despite the recession and the worst job market in 25 years…