Gen Y
How Will the Millennials Vote This November?
The upcoming 2016 Presidential election is the first time that every member of the Millennial generation is eligible to vote. That makes it a good time to revisit the Millennials…
Is It True What They Say About Millennials?
Published in the November 9, 2015 issue of Lehigh Valley Business Journal What you hear (and maybe even believe) about millennials is not always true. That was the gist of…
Millennials Aren’t So Different After All
Plato was said to have complained that young people “disrespect their elders” and “ignore the law”. Peter the Hermit griped that they “think of nothing but themselves” and are “impatient…
Work Ethic: Is There An Ambition Crisis In America?
A lack of work ethic is one of the biggest complaints heard from employers about their workers and job applicants. Just ask just about any manager or business owner who…
What’s Up with the Attitude of Millennials These Days?
There are few places I go that I don’t hear comments about the attitudes of Millennials. It is also the most common question I hear from clients these…
10 Facts About Aging and Baby Boomers You Should Know
1. January 1, 2011 – The very first Baby Boomers turned 65. 2. For the next 15 years, every day more than 10,000 Baby Boomers will reach the age…
Business Stories You Might Have Missed – Week of April 15, 2013
Top hedge fund manager earns more than $1 Million per hour! The top 10 hedge funds managers make as much as 196,000 registered nurses or 250,000 entry level…
6 Tips for Managing Millennials
Remember when wearing a business suit for a job interview was the professional thing to do? These days it’s just as likely the candidate has that “Wall…
Hovering Helicopter Parents Land in Workplace
Helicopter parents are back in the news. Worse, they’re back in the workplace (or maybe they never really went away but since no one was hiring, their hovering didn…
One-Third of HR Pros and Managers Say Young Workers Lack Professionalism
Professionalism in young workers has decreased according to one third of human resources professionals and management. That’s according to a new survey from the Center for Professional Excellence at…