Gen X

Millennials Aren’t So Different After All

Plato was said to have complained that young people “disrespect their elders” and “ignore the law”. Peter the Hermit griped that they “think of nothing but themselves” and are “impatient…

10 Facts About Aging and Baby Boomers You Should Know

1. January 1, 2011 – The very first Baby Boomers turned 65.  2.  For the next 15 years, every day more than 10,000 Baby Boomers will reach the age…

Hovering Helicopter Parents Land in Workplace

Helicopter parents are back in the news.  Worse, they’re back in the workplace (or maybe they never really went away but since no one was hiring, their hovering didn…

One-Third of HR Pros and Managers Say Young Workers Lack Professionalism

Professionalism in young workers has decreased according to one third of human resources professionals and management. That’s according to a new survey from the Center for Professional Excellence at…


We tend to remember the good old days with selective memory. We pick and choose what we want to remember…and forget.  That clouds our memories and subsequently skews…

Generational Gaps Aren’t Just for Baby Boomers and Millennials

I’m amazed each  August when the Beloit College Mindset List is released. And this year’s list for the Class of 2015 is no exception.   Originally intended to remind…

Royal Wedding Plans Reflect Gen X Values

Generation X and Y are often questioning the lure and promise of a management position. For them, it’s just not worth the hassle…

Lessons from PHL Eagles: Generation Gaps Occur At All Ages

Like many workers, one day earlier this year former Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Donovan McNabb and Gen Xer came to work only to discover he was old…

Did the recession gives employers an excuse for shedding under-skilled workers?

It’s like the recession justified a business cleansing — wholesale layoffs, plant closings and outsourcing for the sake of avoiding bankruptcy or closing a business entirely…

The Big Lesson for All Managers in ‘Tonight Show’ Feud

The unsuccessful hand-off of a business from one owner to another is so common these days that its mere mention likely brings an extended yawn to most people.&#0160…