Jobs for Baby Boomers Who Aren’t Ready to Retire

Retirement from a job can be a difficult transition for some people to make. So many of us dedicate a huge chunk of our lives to our profession and even to a single company. Suddenly stopping and having nothing to do all day can be a radical lifestyle change. That’s why so many people opt to reboot and launch a second career that can occupy them during their golden years.

For most baby boomers, the time is coming to transition to retirement. Of course, with the unemployment rate for people over 55 years old well below 5%, it’s clear that not working is not an option for this generation, particularly with the lack of benefits available in some states. For baby boomers who aren’t ready to call it quits in their professional life, here are a few jobs to consider.


Baby boomers have a world of knowledge and a lifetime of experience, so why not put it to use as a consultant? If you’ve been a successful professional in a field for a long time, the odds are you still have a few good ideas and will be able to offer guidance to companies in that industry. If you still want the challenge of solving problems, consulting gives you the outlet to do so without having to commit to a full-time job.


You probably don’t want to spend your time teaching K-12, but there are plenty of trade schools and community colleges that would welcome instructors with real-world experience in their chosen niche. Teaching may require some certification, but if you want to teach, it should be easy to make that happen. Most teaching jobs in trade schools or community colleges probably won’t be 40 hours per week, so it’s a good chance for baby boomers to ease into retirement.

Parks & Recreation

Both state and national parks offer a lot of seasonal jobs which are perfect for baby boomers trying to put off retirement. Some people may be qualified to become tour guides at certain parks, while other jobs are simpler like food prep or maintenance. Either way, it’s decent work for a retiree and a great opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy some great scenery while at work.

Non-Profit Sector

The non-profit sector is another place where a baby boomer’s wisdom and experience can be useful. A lot of non-profits depend on volunteer workers or part-time employees, which makes it a perfect fit for baby boomers forgoing retirement. Moreover, the jobs in this sector involve organizing and fund-raising, and so life experience can count for more than their professional background. Working for a non-profit is also a way for baby boomers to spend their golden years making the world a better place.

Submitted by Guest Blogger – Jess Walter, Freelance Writer

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