Workaholism may be killing you. At least that’s what several studies are finding – that long term dangers accompany an addiction to work.
A recent post on the Term Life Insurance Blog provided a nice graphic citing that 1 in 31 Americans (10 million) worked 60+ hours a week last year. That’s 200 more hours per person worked compared to 1970. Interestingly enough, when compared with other countries, the United States at an average of 1,782 hours per person per year no longer sits atop the worldwide perch of hard workers. In fact workers in 8 other countries work more hours than workers in the United States.
Many employees and bosses might be feeling like the workaholic shoe fits their life. The graphic includes some handy diagnostic tips to know if you’re in danger. You are a workaholic if:
1. Working at home has become routine.
2. You feel bored and unproductive if you are not working.
3. Work and clients have access to you 24/7 and it interferes with life.
4. You think you are the best person for the job and refuse to delegate.
5. You are constantly talking about work.
6. Your workday doesn’t stop when everyone else goes home.
Did you pass…or fail? Are you at risk? Don’t fret – help is just 12 steps away. Apparently there is now a 12-step program called Workaholics Anonymous to help individuals cope with this addiction.
What do you think? Productivity reports seem to infer we’re working smarter and not harder. Is that true or have we just pushed fewer workers to the brink of workaholism? Or is workaholism just another syndrome concocted by a group of slackers and entitled workers who feel that commitment and personal satisfaction in a job sets a bad example? Let’s hear from you … if can you spare a few minutes from your busy day.