The Attitude Virus = Presenteeism
How many unemployed workers are on your payroll? Take a minute to think about that – it’s not a trick question. That’s because The Attitude Virus…
No Kidding Around – High Demand Jobs Do Exist
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear unemployment rates like 2.6%, 2.8%, and 3.8% must be memories of the good-old-days – pre-2007…
Absent Employees Drain Productivity and Profits
According to a survey by Mercer, the total cost of absent employees can equal as much as 36% of payroll…
Absenteeism Doctor Offers Rx for Unplanned Lost Work Days
Absenteeism Management is one of the biggest challenges facing HR executives. Few companies know the true cost of absenteeism…
U.S. Productivity Gains Come at a Price
38% of more than 29,000 employees said they had experienced “low levels of energy, poor sleep, or a feeling of fatigue” during the past two weeks, a problem that…
U.S. Productivity Gains Come at a Price
38% of more than 29,000 employees said they had experienced “low levels of energy, poor sleep, or a feeling of fatigue” during the past two weeks, a problem that…
H1N1 Will Expose Crisis of Finding Skilled Workers
A large spike in H1N1 screenings could clog a lab system already struggling with a shortage of skilled workers. A shortage of hospital beds and public health providers also looms…
Telework: An ounce of prevention?
Should the swine flu virus spread and employees heed the advice of public health experts and stay home, employers could expect to see absenteeism jump to 50% or more. …
1 in 5 workers battling anxiety and fear; presenteeism on the rise
One in five U.S. workers surveyed by staffing agency Adecco USA say the recession is affecting their emotional health as they battle anxiety and fear over the potential loss…
How much does absenteeism cost your business?
It’s no secret that missing workers cost companies millions of dollars in lost revenue each year. But exactly how much does absenteeism cost your business? According to a…