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Millennial Females Enjoy Options Baby Boomers Didn’t

If you can believe what you read, the Millennials may not be left with a world that is better than the world Baby Boomers inherited. But that conclusion is not…

2 Trends Changing the Face of U.S. Jobs

You’ve heard it before!  We’re working the Perfect Labor Storm. But there are two trends impacting U.S. jobs that are often pushed aside. They involve working women…

More about Moms Married with Children

Moms married with children hardly fit the Peg Bundy type portrayed in the hit TV show Married with Children.  Here are more stats following a recent post about how Stay…

Stay-At-Home Moms: Another Skilled Worker Hurdle?

At a time when skilled labor is scarce, stay at home moms point to yet another challenge that management faces when it comes to filling open positions, according to new…

Help Wanted: Jobs for Moms or Working with Moms

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms! We thought it might be interesting to look at jobs for mothers, or jobs that require working with moms. In April…

21 Stats and Facts – Women & the Workplace

Women have been beating the pants off the men for the better jobs. Here’s 21 stats and facts why women are better educated, getting married later (or not at…