13 Stats and Facts – Obesity: A Heavy Burden on Business
One in three U.S. adults is obese. If the current trajectory continues, 50% of the population will be obese by 2030. More than 60% of the United States population…
Adult obesity rates up in 23 states
Mississippi has kept its U.S. heavyweight title for a fifth straight year, among both adults and children. The percentage of adults classified as obese went up in 23 states…
Too fat to fight; Military scrambles to fill quota
Despite record layoffs and rising unemployment, many organizations are still scrambling to find qualified workers. According to a post on ABCnews.com, one in five military-age Americans is too…
America’s Weighty Problem Part 3: Productivity Costs
Health care costs related to obesity are rivaled by productivity costs in their impact. In the U.S. alone it is estimated that obesity is associated with 39 million lost…
America’s Weighty Problem Part 2: Health Care Costs
Over the past 30 years, employers have seen productivity costs and medical expenses skyrocket alongside the rate of obesity. Today, 66% of the U.S. adult population is overweight, and…