Yearly Archives: 2010

America’s Talent Shortage

According to U.S. Department of Labor data, 62% of all U.S. jobs in 2010 will require higher skill levels. While 97 million people will be needed, only…

10 Industries in Danger of Extinction

With every improvement in technology, products that were once a staple and a source of revenues, profits and stability may suddenly become obsolete.  What that means for employers and employees…

Hottest Jobs in 2020

What will you be doing for a living in 10 years? The chances are it won't be what you're doing now, and it may be something…

The Big Lesson for All Managers in ‘Tonight Show’ Feud

The unsuccessful hand-off of a business from one owner to another is so common these days that its mere mention likely brings an extended yawn to most people.&#0160…

Job Market of the Future: Startups With Zero Employees?

When writing my monthly column for Business2Business, I included a statistic from a previous post about my prediction for jobs growth in 2010. “Unlike the economic…

Coming Soon to Your Business: A Leadership Crisis

Worried about your next generation of leaders? You’re not alone. According to a new survey about leadership skills from Pearson and Executive Development Associates Inc. (EDA), 57…