Gen Y

Taking sides in the generation gap | | Palladium-Item

For every generation that grew up and entered the workforce before them, including Generation X, different life events gave birth to sources of inter-generational friction…

Boomers Beware: Don’t Drink the Hater-ade

It’s Baby Boomer managers like Baron who will keep me writing, speaking, and training for years to come. Gen X and Gen Y aren’t the ones with bad…

Forget Skilled Workers, Manager Shortage is Looming

people qualified to become managers were opting out, for reasons including increased stress, handling disgruntled employees, increased paperwork, and having to lay off or fire employees…

Are you the frog in the pot? » Mike Hohnen

The following is an excerpt from Are you the frog in the pot? “During the next 5-10 years, the Millennium generation will become a significant proportion of meeting…

When did baby boomers get so old?

One evening a grandson was talking to his grandmother about current events. The grandson asked his grandmother what she thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just…

Job hopping confirmed among Gen Y employees

How much time does your business have to win over the hearts and minds of a Gen Y employee? According to a new survey of more than 2,500 senior…

The Dumbest Generation

My column about The Dumbest Generation in this week’s newsletter The Total View generated quite a response. (I also had posted it to this blog too.) One in…

The Dumbest Generation?

The generation that is most comfortable with digital technology, which gives them unprecedented access to all of the world’s knowledge, knows less than the previous generation that lacked…

Gray ceiling disrupts succession plans for Gen Xers

     While some organizations are focusing on recruiting new and replacement workers, many others are urging and enticing older workers to stay longer. This is creating a new…