Creating Great Places to Work Engages Younger Workers
Employers all over the world have discovered that creating unusual workspaces for the younger generations (Gen X and Millennials) has a very positive effect on engagement and retention. In Silicon…
6 Tips for Managing Millennials
Remember when wearing a business suit for a job interview was the professional thing to do? These days it’s just as likely the candidate has that “Wall…
Hovering Helicopter Parents Land in Workplace
Helicopter parents are back in the news. Worse, they’re back in the workplace (or maybe they never really went away but since no one was hiring, their hovering didn…
One-Third of HR Pros and Managers Say Young Workers Lack Professionalism
Professionalism in young workers has decreased according to one third of human resources professionals and management. That’s according to a new survey from the Center for Professional Excellence at…
Employers Need to Get a Grip on the Workplace of the Future
A funny thing has happened on the way to old age and retirement. It just arrived a lot quicker for millions of 60 years and older workers than they ever…
Generational Gaps Aren’t Just for Baby Boomers and Millennials
I’m amazed each August when the Beloit College Mindset List is released. And this year’s list for the Class of 2015 is no exception. Originally intended to remind…
Millennials: Are Trophy Kids Getting a Bad Rap?
Sensationalism in the media and countless books paint a picture about the emerging Millennials that might be more myth than right…
What’s Next for Baby Boomers vs. Millennials?
There appears to be a lot of white elephants in the room these days, none bigger than a generation gap between Baby Boomers and Millennials…
Lessons from PHL Eagles: Generation Gaps Occur At All Ages
Like many workers, one day earlier this year former Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Donovan McNabb and Gen Xer came to work only to discover he was old…
Grandparents Surpass Grandchildren in the Labor Force
Thanks in part to the recession, for the first time on record there are more seniors than teenagers in the American labor force. What does that mean for the future…