dropout factories
While Washington Fiddles, U.S. Dropouts Burn
What won’t end – and regrettably will get far worse due to budget cuts and falling revenues – is a high school dropout that is both discouraging and depressing…
More than half of working age Philadelphians lack literacy skills
When I think about The Perfect Labor Storm, the following gets my attention. More than half (52.2 percent) of working-age Philadelphians (550,000 adults) lack necessary work force…
While academics and bureaucrats fiddle, dropout rate soars
by Ira S Wolfe
May 11, 2009
Education, Employee Shortages, Generation Gaps, Leadership, Skills Shortages, workforce trends
The high school dropout rate in the U.S. is soaring. The Obama administration has budgeted $50 million to dropout prevention program, but solving this problem will require…