
21 Stats and Facts – Women & the Workplace

Women have been beating the pants off the men for the better jobs. Here’s 21 stats and facts why women are better educated, getting married later (or not at…

Adult obesity rates up in 23 states

Mississippi has kept its U.S. heavyweight title for a fifth straight year, among both adults and children. The percentage of adults classified as obese went up in 23 states…

Child’s play for parents: Plugged in or unplugged?

"Do your kids a favor," my friend and colleague Matt Angello, advised readers in post to his blog this morning. If you can not overcome your own case…

Cost of raising a child exceeds $200,000 – not including college!

Children used to provide cheap labor, and retirement security, all in one. Now they’re pretty much all cost and no return, from a financial perspective. Writing in Foreign…