change management
Exponential Change Makes Mincemeat Out of Tradition and Convention
Things are getting really bad for many legendary companies. Within a 24 hour period I received a flurry of text and email alerts accentuating the change-or-die outcomes delivered…
Podcast | Millennials, Gen Z, and Technology Are Changing Normal
Whether you believe that change is going to impact your business 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years from now, I’ve got breaking news. Millennials, Gen Z, and technology…
3 Lessons Every Business Can Learn From Kodak’s Bankruptcy
The bankruptcy of former photo giant Kodak is loaded with lessons that business owners can learn. The fact that Kodak invented the digital camera over 35 years ago, a decade…
Enterprise of the Future
A new report just released by IBM titled Enterprise of the Future cites "in 2008 eight out of ten CEOs are expecting substantial or very substantial change." This…