Performance Management
4 Types of Workaholics: Which One Are You?
How many people do you know who are afflicted with workaholism? Our research has recognized 4 types. You might even recognized yourself in one of the types. First, let’s…
5 Reasons Why Many Employers Are Terrible at Recruiting & Retaining Employees
Why do many employers not have a clue how to hire, retain and motivate great people? This was a question posed in a recent Forbes article, which highlighted how many…
Happy Boss Day! Are You A Good Boss…or A Bad One?
Saturday is National Boss Day and I was interviewed earlier this week about what makes a good boss….and how can employees “manage” their bad boss better…
Avoid 3 Common Mistakes When Using Pre-Employment Tests
Hiring managers, seeking the special ingredients in what makes a top-performing employee tick, are turning to pre-employment testing more and more. But like a promising recipes, the proof…
Information Overload Is Fact of Life
The information, available to the average individual at any given point in time, is one hundred thousand times what it was just a few decades ago…
How to Get the Most Out of Your Employees
It’s sad but true: most organizations know more about the value of their desks and chairs than they do their people, according to PeopleStreme. If managers say that employees…
The Appraisals Pocketbook Released
The Appraisals Pocketbook adopts a strongly practical approach in explaining how to set up and run an appraisal system. Using a helpful 5-stage model, the book shows how to…
Common Employee Appraisal Errors
Apart from the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the nature of a given performance appraisal system and the relative dislike or distrust that may be felt by the appraisees…
Stop Doing Annual Reviews!
Something has gotten into management. Everywhere I turn – meetings, discussion groups and blogs - managers are talking about performance reviews. That's good news for the…