Facts and Stats
6 Employees Will Quit Their Jobs Before You Finish Reading This!
In the time it takes most of you to read this article – about a minute or two, here’s what will change around the world and inside our bodies. There…
The Truth, Myth, and Consequences of Skilled Worker Shortages
The combination of an improving but fickle economy, the accelerating integration of advanced automation into our daily life, and a seismic demographic shift in the workforce have all but pushed…
7 Trends That Will Change the Way You Hire, Manage, and Retain in 2015
“Average is over,” according to Tom Friedman and the pace of change is accelerating. These trends spell both doom and opportunity to the world of human resources. Beneath the cloud…
13 Interesting Facts about Why Small Business Hiring Is Critical to Our Recovery
Here’s a small business fact: collectively they produce $6 trillion worth of annual products and services and employ nearly half of the American private sector work force. For the…
15 Education Stats You Should Know
74.9 million U.S. residents are enrolled in schools – from nursery schools to colleges. 56 million students are projected to be enrolled in the nation’s elementary…
10 Stats and Facts – Job Skill Mismatch
In the coming years, not enough American workers will have the right skills to fill the jobs that will be available. There are too many workers with a high school…
8 Stats and Facts – Jobless Recovery Here to Stay?
It seems that on this Labor Day weekend, the jobless recovery is here to stay. 14 million people remain unemployed. The unemployment rate remains at 9.1%. Politics aside, should…
8 Stats and Facts – High School Dropouts
Nearly one out of every four high school students dropout. The cost is high for the dropout, community, and business…