10 Stats and Facts – Telecommuting and Virtual Work

  1. 56% of senior leaders and hiring manager of Fortune 500 companies believe virtual work will increase at their company
  2. 61% believe their companies will let more people telecommute over the next 3 years
  3. 60% of office-based employees use virtual teaming (texting, instant messaging, teleconferencing) technologies daily
  4. 56 % of decision makers believe that working remotely makes employee more productive
  5. 57% of businesses reporting allowing employees to keep flexible hours
  6. 62% reported having employees who work remotely either full-time or part-time
  7. 20% of the U.S. working adult population (26.2 million) in 2010 were teleworkers:
    • 51% of the workers were age 35-54
    • 42% were age 18-34
    • 56% were men
    • 44% were college graduates
  8. 17% of telecommuters spend less than one hour a day actually working; but not everything is quite so lazy – 35% work eight or more hours and 40% work four to seven hours.
  9. 30% of telecommuters say they work in the pajamas (41% female, 22 males)
  10. The biggest work-at-home distractions:
    1. Household chores – 31 percent
    2. TV – 26 percent
    3. Pets – 23 percent
    4. Errands – 19 percent
    5. Internet – 18 percent
    6. Children – 15 percent

Sources:  mashable.com, bnet.com

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Ira S Wolfe


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