Apart from the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the nature of a given performance appraisal system and the relative dislike or distrust that may be felt by the appraisees and/or appraisers as we have discovered, there are errors of implementation that can be made no matter what techniques you use. In fact, the way that a performance appraisal system is administered and the training given to the managers using it, probably has more to do with the effectiveness of the appraisal than any other factor. Some performance appraisal systems prevent or even encourage these errors more than others.
The most common appraisal errors are:
1. Inadequately defined standards of performance
2. Over-emphasis on recent performance
3. Reliance on gut feelings
4. Miscomprehension of performance standards by the employee
5. Insufficient or unclear performance documents
6. Inadequate time allocation for the discussion
7. Too much talking by the manager/supervisor
8. Lack of follow-up planning/action
(Except: Taking the Performance Initiative)
Ensure that the negative is balanced with the positive.
If the Employee has made on the job mistakes (not serious) that they are not used to think negatively about the employee. Some managers will remember the employee for the one mistake and not the 100 good achievements.