Our education pipeline is drying up, according to a recent report released by the Center for American Progress. As a result, America is not on track to create the workforce that we need to remain globally competitive in the 21st century, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Improved math and science literacy is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of jobs — not just for chip designers and computer programmers.
And yet sixty-eight percent of U.S. 8th graders receive instruction from a mathematics teacher who did not hold a degree or certification in mathematics. U.S. 15-year-olds rank 24th out of 40 participating countries in an international test that measures the ability of students to apply mathematical concepts to real-world problems. In the United States, only 15 percent of all U.S. undergraduates receive a degree in the natural sciences and engineering, compared to 50 percent in China and 67 percent in Singapore.
Besides science and math skills, global competition and rapid technological change are “raising the bar” on the skills that workers must possess to thrive. Business writer Daniel Pink, author of the book A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, argues that logical and analytical skills are necessary but not sufficient for professional success in today’s world. "As the scut work gets off-loaded, engineers and programmers will have to master different aptitudes, relying more on creativity than competence, more on tacit knowledge than technical manuals, and more on fashioning the big picture than sweating the details."
Workers also need “right brain” directed skills such as the capacity to “detect patterns and opportunities, to create artistic and emotional beauty, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to combine seemingly unrelated ideas into something new.” More specifically, Pink describes these 6 aptitudes as design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning.
Organizations such as the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, comprised of the National Education Association and major high-tech employers such as Apple and Cisco, argue that students must master not only core subjects, but acquire skills related to critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, collaboration, and information and media literacy.
Read more about why the education pipeline is drying up:
High School Dropouts: The Silent Epidemic
Are they Really Ready to Work?
Your post speaks volumes. I try to highlight some of the things that schools are doing around the US to help our teens prepare to be competitive.
I am afraid though that without a comprehensive effort from educators, government, unions, parents and students, it is going to be a tough road ahead.
I started my high school blog when I saw teens behaving badly in the workplace. I tried to focus on job and career related issues so I could help teens develop better career habits early.
However, I quickly realized through research and dialog that the problem of preparation goes well beyond soft skills and career skills.
A system overhaul is truly necessary to get us on the right path.
Pink’s book is a favorite of mine as well.