Majority of U.S. Working Adults Ready to Change Jobs in 2007

A majority of employed U.S. working adults are open to changing jobs in 2007, according to a recent Yahoo! HotJobs survey. Nearly two-thirds of respondents (66 percent) said they would consider new job opportunities in 2007. 

In a survey conducted by Hudson, as nearly eight in ten (78 percent) expect the situation to be as good as, if not better than, this year. Attesting to their faith in the market, 39 percent of workers already indicate that it is very or somewhat likely that they will be actively seeking a new job in 2007.

How are employers responding?


#1 – Bigger Paychecks

    —  81 percent of employers report their companies will increase salaries for existing employees.
    —  65 percent will raise compensation levels by 3 percent or more while nearly one-in-five will raise compensation levels by 5 percent or more.
    —  Nearly half of employers (49 percent) expect to increase salaries on initial offers to new employees.
    —  35 percent will raise compensation levels by 3 percent or more while 17 percent will raise compensation levels by 5 percent or more.

#2 – Diversity Recruitment – Hispanics Workers in Demand
    —  One-in-ten employers report they will be targeting Hispanic job candidates most aggressively of all diverse segments.  Nine percent plan to step up diversity recruiting for African American job candidates, while 8 percent will target female job candidates.
    —  Half of employers recruiting bilingual employees say English/Spanish-speaking candidates are most in demand in their organizations.

#3 – More Flexible Work Arrangements
    —  Nineteen percent of employers say they are very or extremely willing to provide more flexible work arrangements for employees such as job sharing and alternate schedules.  Thirty-one percent are fairly willing.

#4 – Rehiring Retirees
    — One-in-five employers plan to rehire retirees from other companies or provide incentives for workers approaching retirement age to stay on with the company longer.

# 5 – More Promotions
    —  Thirty-five percent of employers plan to provide more promotions and career advancement opportunities to their existing staff in the New Year.

#6 – Hiring Overseas
    —  Thirteen percent of employers report they will expand operations and hire employees in other countries in 2007.  Nine percent are considering it.
    —  Twenty-three percent of employers report they will hire the most workers overseas in China and 22 percent will hire the most in India.

#7 – Better Training
    —  Seventy-eight percent report they are willing to recruit workers who don’t have experience in their particular industry or field and provide training/certifications needed.

Source: Harris Interactive on behalf of (Nov-Dec 2006)

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Ira S Wolfe