2 out of 5 Employees Looking to Change Jobs

"The future does not look good for traditional jobs" if you can believe what you read in the November-December 2005 issue of The Futurist.  Apparently over 1500 hundred job seekers and seventy-plus businesses and organizations in Lancaster County didn’t get the message. Resumes in hand, these job seekers strolled up and down the rows of booths filled with recruiters at Clipper Stadium for the 2005 Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce Job Fair in late September.

Twenty-seven percent of employed job seekers had one thing to say: "Show me the money." Better pay was the most important benefit sought by 421 attendees who completed a survey conducted by Success Performance Solutions. This is the third year Success Performance Solutions conducted the survey in conjunction with the Lancaster Chamber. Respect and recognition from supervisors and job security were the second and third most common benefits employees sought in their next job. This is consistent with prior surveys except that more pay and respect from supervisors swapped positions.

Nearly 40 percent of the job seekers were employed, which should throw up a warning sign for employers: nearly 2 out of 5 employees are ready to walk. Overall, twenty-four percent of the employed job seekers indicated they were dissatisfied with their current job, an 85 percent jump from last year! Based on the unexpected high turnout of employed job seekers, turnover and vacancies will remain a problem for employers.

Read more at Success Performance Solutions


Ira S Wolfe