Fact #454: The U.S. currently produces about 25,000 doctors a year. To keep up with demographic trends, we’ll need between 3,000 and 10,000 more per year. (Source: USA Today)
Fact #455: As recently as 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association predicted the U.S. would have 165,000 more doctors than the nation would need. Due to Baby Boomer retirement and a growing aging propulation, by the year 2020, the U.S. will face a shortage of as many as 200,000 doctors. (Source: USA Today)
Fact #456: The nation now has 800,000 doctors. That won’t be enough when the current generation of physicians reaches retirement age. (Source: Council on Graduate Medical Education)
More Facts and Trends available on Perfect Labor Storm
Oh well, we can just get them from India and China and drive the wages of doctors down to $11,300 so a Piled-Higher-and-Deeper degree still gives a return of $1,000 per year.
BTW, I am a realist, not a cynic, let’s keep the messages positive.