Yearly Archives: 2005
4-2-1 Blast Off!
In urban China, the problem of elder dependency on a shrinking family is particularly severe (since there are usually no public or private retirement funds). It is referred to as…
Only 55% of patients get the care doctors recommend
US workers will be asked to pay $155 more in 2006 for medical care than they did just a year earlier, according to a recent study by Towers Perrin. …
More Mid-Level Managers dissatisfied with job
According to a 2005 Accenture Study, 58 percent of mid-level managers are mulling changing jobs. Thirty percent are currently looking for another job. Twenty-two percent want to change…
2 out of 5 Employees Looking to Change Jobs
"The future does not look good for traditional jobs" if you can believe what you read in the November-December 2005 issue of The Futurist. Apparently over…
A Few Good Men in Short Supply
Though there are more than 9 million males ages 17 to 21 in the U.S., only about one is there have the educational and other qualifications needed to become…
Less Workers, More Older Americans – How will we pay?
Fact #473: The average American retires five years earlier than in 1950 and lives 12 years longer.(Source: U.S. Censu Bureau) Fact #474: The United States will have more…
Education Pays
Fact #476: Four-year college grads make roughly $20,000 more than their high school trained counterparts. People with two year degrees make only about $7,000 more a year…
Living to 140: youngsters at 88!
Based on conservative assumptions for health care improvement through 2065, demographics researchers Ron Lee and S. Tuljapurkar, cited in a Census report, project average lifespans to reach 88 for women…
American Just Keep on Living….and living….and living
In 1990, there were 37,306 Americans who were at least 100 years old. By the year 2010, there will be 131,000. And, by 2050, projections by the U…
Business Writing Just Plain Awful!
An article in the December 7, 2004 edition of the "New York Times" indicated that $3.1 billion is spent on remedial writing annually…