Education Doesn’t Add Up

Better education is hailed as one solution to the impending skilled worker shortage. If true, the United States is losing the battle which may lead to losing the war for talent.

According to a new study released Monday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, high school students in Hong Kong, Finland, and South Korea do best in mathematics, while students in the U.S. finished in the bottom half.

The U.S. also has the poorest outcomes per dollar spent on education. It ranked 28th of 40 countries in match and 18th in reading.

Brownie points anyone?  Of the U.S. students, 72 percent said they got good grades in mathematics, more than in any other country.  In Hong Kong, the highest rated country, only 25 percent of the students said they got good marks.

More facts about the Why Worker Shortages Will Not Go Away


Ira S Wolfe