Aging Workers, Retiring Baby Boomers

The argument that aging workers especially the baby boomers will work longer and many will never retire is a fact. The issue not being addressed is who will pay for their health care. The 55-plus age groups use 15 to 20 times more health care services than younger people.

Fact #281: One in every eight Americans is now 65 or old. (Source: Adminstration of Aging, 2002)

Fact #282: Since 1900, the percentage of Americans 65 and older has tripled.

Fact #283: In 2000, the 65 – 74 age group was 8 times larger than in 1900.
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau)

Fact #284: In 2000, the 75 – 84 age group was 16 times larger than in 1900.
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau)

Fact #285: In 2000, the 85 and over age group was 34 times larger than in 1900.
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau)

More Perfect Labor Storm facts.


Ira S Wolfe