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Is the Perfect Labor Storm over?

The picture below tells the story. Between 1970 and 1980, the U.S. workforce grew a whopping 29%.  Between 2000 and 2010 growth slowed to 12%, still robust but…

Stop Doing Annual Reviews!

Something has gotten into management.  Everywhere I turn – meetings, discussion groups and blogs -  managers are talking about performance reviews.  That's good news for the…

The New World of Work!

“The average knowledge worker will outlive the average employing organization. This is the first time in history that’s happened. … ” Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.22.00) Thanks to…

Generation Gaps: What a difference 50 years makes

The concept of a “generation” is attributed to social scientist Karl Mannheim (1920s). A generation is a group of people who are programmed by events they share in history while…

White House struggles finding qualified staff

The Perfect Labor Storm is far from over. While millions of Americans are being laid off, one organization is demonstrating how difficult it is and will be to find…

Everyone knows right from wrong. Right?

Think about these business ethics scenarios that happen in organizations every day. An employee surfs the Internet shopping for personal items on company time. A plant manager decides to ship…

Trustworthy? It’s all about endorsement

Trust in our leaders these days seems to be dropping faster than the Dow. From lies about WMDs in Iraq to fabricated balance sheets to elaborate Ponzi schemes, the trust…

Not worth the newspaper it’s printed on?

In case you hadn't noticed, newspapers are in trouble. Craigslist decimated their revenue model, and blogging killed the "scoop." Now, Business Week writes that the New…

Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions

Hindsight is always 20/20 but lately it seems that a lot of really smart people are making really bad decisions.  I just listened to a podcast featuring Sydney…